IPÊ's activities report is one of the ways we found to publicize our efforts to conserve biodiversity. Here, you can learn more about our results, both from a technical, accounting and financial point of view, our actions to achieve these results and our partners and collaborators.

Each result achieved here talks about new possibilities of living and being in the world in line with sustainability. Biodiversity conservation is central to socioeconomic transformation and facing critical challenges such as the one we are currently experiencing with the climate crisis. We use our work to carry out the necessary transformations to overcome these challenges, based on science, innovation, education and social participation.


Click and see where our initiatives are


IN 2022 WE HAD


people benefited from socio-environmental activities and information, along educational initiatives


people reached with actions that generate social and environmental benefits


people mobilized and benefited from integrated solutions in the Amazon


people benefited from more sustainable production activities


trees planted in the Atlantic Forest


of fauna directly benefiting from scientific research for their conservation


people on ESCAS courses


were offered in this period


In addition to the advances in our medium and long-term projects, annual achievements and actions reinforce the value of our work. They encourage us to continue our path, always improving processes and the alignment with the most pressing challenges. In this section, we present some facts that marked our 2022 trajectory.

Suzana PADUA

What IPÊ characteristics make the difference? Science is the basis of development and our actions, but we also rely on the knowledge and participation of rural and traditional populations. We have an experienced team, new talent, government, society and communities to put our ideas into practice together. Check out the words of Suzana Padua, founder and president of IPÊ.



IPÊ originated in this region, where work for the conservation of the black lion tamarin began. The project unfolded on other fronts, such as forest restoration, environmental education and partnership with residents, who produce seedlings of native species in community nurseries or implement agroforestry systems on their own properties. Together, we promote biodiversity conservation with income generation.


Based on our “Dream Map”, we operate in priority areas to restore and bring the forest back to the Atlantic Forest in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, in western São Paulo. The goal is to restore 75,000 hectares by 2041. In over 20 years, we have planted 6 million seedlings in 3,000 hectares. To bring about the desired impact, we encourage the entrepreneurship of community nurseries and planting companies in the region. During this time, we also promoted the adoption of an environmental education program in the municipal schools of Teodoro Sampaio.

Crédito: Laurie Hedges

Corridors for Life Project, at Pontal do Paranapanema (SP)

Key results in 2022:

Planting of 1.5 million seedlings native to the Atlantic Forest on 780 hectares, in the municipalities of Teodoro Sampaio, Presidente Epitácio, Euclides da Cunha Paulista and Mirante do Paranapanema.

Classes on forest restoration to increase the communities' productive capacity and job opportunities.

93 people benefited , including entrepreneurs and employees of the eight partner companies.

330 jobs indirectly generated.


Contribution to climate:

In addition to restoring priority areas, the project's original proposal, since 2021, we have expanded our activities for the climate through the AR Corridors for Life project, to generate carbon credits, in partnership with Biofílica Ambipar Environment. The project contributes to the conversion of 75,000 hectares of areas with environmental liabilities on private properties into restored areas. With this, the priority areas of the Dream Map were expanded from 7 to 30 municipalities.

Next steps:

To encourage the increase in the production of native seedlings and, thus, favor the increase in income of local entrepreneurs; and perform continuous training of the segments involved in ecological restoration, monitoring and research of actions already developed.


Agroforestry coffee is one of the main products of the project to implement Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) with family farmers in the Pontal do Paranapanema region. This coffee is cultivated in the shade of forests of native trees and fruit trees, such as Tahiti lime and sinensis orange. In addition to generating food alternatives and income for 51 families, the SAFs function as ecological trampolines: they serve as a passageway for animals and contribute to the genetic diversity of plants and animals.

Agroforestry Coffee in Pontal do Paranapanema (SP)

Key results in 2022:

597 kg of coffee turned into the Agroforestry Coffee from Pontal product, sold at the IPÊ store and at other locations such as Instituto Chão, in São Paulo.

More than 200 people benefited.

Identification of seed-dispersing birds, such as the blue-fronted Amazon parrot and the streaked flycatcher, during a Master's research performed in the region by a student from Esalq/USP.

Conducting courses on management and commercialization of SAF products Classes were made possible by the Sustainable Rural Development Project - Microbacias II - Market Access (PDRS), linked to the Department of Infrastructure and Environment of the state of São Paulo.


Contribution to climate:

Reducing temperature is a feature of the SAFs, which greatly favors the well-being of the rural producer. As they are close to forest restoration areas, the SAFs contribute to seed dispersal and denser green areas, increasing the supply of ecosystem services, such as climate regulation.

Next steps:

Implement another 30 SAF units in settlements in the region, based on new fundraising, and support the professional development of rural settlers. Many producers also want to transform lemons and oranges into production highlights.


Nurseries are our starting point for forest restoration. In the Pontal do Paranapanema region, IPÊ finances a seed bank and monitors eight community nurseries that produce tree seedlings of species native to the Atlantic Forest. The nurseries are led by rural settlers and, for many families, represent the main source of income. Thus, this production is strategic from a social, environmental and economic point of view.

Photo: Laurie Hedges

Community Nurseries in Pontal do Paranapanema (SP)

Key results in 2022:

The nurseries expanded production and reached 1.6 million seedlings (an increase of 30%), with a consequent impact on family income.

36 people and 9 families benefited directly.

Greater female participation in the production of seedlings.

Regional development, with increased acquisition of inputs for seedling production and hiring of labor.


Contribution to climate:

Community nurseries contribute to forest restoration and the recovery of areas affected by deforestation, protecting water courses and absorbing carbon. This is possible because many people have taken care of the seedlings from seed.

Next steps:

Promote the continued training of nurserymen and expand production, as the trend in the region is for growth in this market. The environmental liability, or area in which the restoration will be carried out, reaches, by law, 240 thousand hectares (equivalent to 240 thousand soccer fields) in the rural properties in the 30 municipalities of the region.


The Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) Conservation Program was the seed for creating IPÊ. The species is our symbol for the conservation of priority forest areas and identification of strategic stretches for restoration. It also demonstrates that together - researchers, representatives of public bodies, rural settlers and the school community - it is possible to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. Due to this alliance, the species went from “Critically Endangered” to “Endangered” on the international red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Black Lion Tamarin Conservation Project

Key results in 2022:

2 groups (5 subjects) of tamarins were captured in two areas (forest fragments of Santa Maria and Morro do Diabo State Park) for health and genetics evaluation.

Around 200 recorders installed in 66 forest fragments confirmed the presence of black lion tamarins in five forest fragments, including a new location.

Use of a new model of artificial PVC hollow, and monitoring the use of natural and artificial hollows in the fauna at fragments and in the restored corridor.

More than 600 records of at least 30 species of birds and mammals using the hollows, 25 being black lion tamarins.

1 article published


Contribution to climate:

Black lion tamarins are important seed dispersers, which help in the recomposition and maintenance of forests. The species prevents the loss of quality in these environments and the reduction of carbon storage rates.

Next steps:

Displacement of a group of black lion tamarins to the forest fragment of Santa Maria, expanding the area of occurrence of the species and contributing to the genetic flow. Installation of artificial hollows in the restored corridor and for the passage of fauna on the SPV-035 highway in a section of the North Corridor. Implementation of a trail in the Morro do Diabo State Park to encourage the expansion of the Black-Lion Tamarin Ecological Station.



We work for the resilience of the Cantareira System in this region of the state of São Paulo as a way of contributing to the water security of the population that depends on it. We work on technical guidance to rural producers for better soil use and greater water retention. We bring young people and adults closer to science and biodiversity conservation, with environmental education, communication and citizen engagement.


Sowing Water Project seeks to curb the environmental degradation of the Cantareira System, contributing to the water security of more than 7.5 million people in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Campinas and Piracicaba. To do this, it uses Nature-Based Solutions, training rural producers to better use the soil and engaging youth through Climate Schools (learn more in this report). The initiative is sponsored by the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program and in partnership with the Alair Martins Institute (IAMAR), TreeNation, Caterpillar Foundation, FAPESP, CNPq, MetLife, Brabus and RPoint.

Photo: Leo Eloy

Sowing Water Project in Cantareira System

Key results in 2022:

Implementation of 11 hectares of ecological restoration and 18 hectares of Sustainable Productive Systems , such as agroforestry, fruit growing and ecological poultry farming, benefiting 20 properties/families directly.

About 20,000 trees planted

181 producers took courses.

2 Master's Scholarships at ESCAS.

236 educators and 422 students impacted by Climate Schools.

1 publication.


Contribution to climate:

The project contributed to the removal of 2,239.52 tons of greenhouse gases, referring to 30 hectares of forest restoration aged between 1 and 7 years and in full development.

Next steps:

With the articulation with rural producers, we encourage collective organization to create an association or cooperative to process and market coffee and juçara. We are also going to expand the Climate Schools to other municipalities in the Cantareira System. We will promote the reduction of the use of plastic in the production of seedlings.


In this project to reduce the presence of mosquitoes that transmit diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, zika and yellow fever in the region of Nazaré Paulista (SP), we engaged the population in monitoring these insects in a simple and safe way. We defined mosquito collection and storage protocols in domestic environments and accessible platforms for DNA sequencing that yielded actionable surveillance data. The project is supported by the Conservation Food and Health Foundation and the Superintendence of Endemic Diseases Control (SUCEN).

Citizen Science Project in Nazaré Paulista (SP)

Key results in 2022:

Exhibition of the work at the
57th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine in Belém (PA).

Participation of
80 citizen scientists, mostly high school students.

Starting the collaboration with Sucen - Superintendency for Control of Endemic Diseases, of the Health Department of São Paulo

Creation of a molecular reference library for mosquito species found in the state of São Paulo, which in the future, will allow to cross a DNA sequence found in a sample with its known biological taxonomy.


Contribution to climate:

Climate change leads to changes in the distribution and behavior of mosquitoes and the impact of diseases transmitted by them. Citizen Science contributes by guiding participants so that they can follow these changes.

Next steps:

Engage local governments even more, especially the Health Secretariats, to analyze project results and adapt techniques to local realities.



We participate in the global effort to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems, through research, information, education and articulation with civil society to influence public policies. Our work is expanding to increase knowledge about key species for the balance of ecosystems and the general well-being, including humans.


Through the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI), we have been working for the conservation of the brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) for over 25 years. We own the largest database and samples on the species, a fundamental resource to understand it and assess the threats to its survival. Since 1996, the team has captured 190 tapirs, of which 120 received telemetry collars and were monitored for varying lengths of time. The information generated by the LTCI studies is used by tapir reintroduction and translocation programs all over the world.

Photo: Christoffer-Bangsgaard

Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI)

Key results in 2022:

Expansion of research on pesticide contamination in the four biomes under study: Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Pantanal and Amazon.

Consolidation of Amazon Program, started in 2019 to assess threats to the species.

4 articles published.

Empowerment of the genetics front samples of more than 600 tapirs that can be used for studies such as kinship and connectivity between populations of the Pantanal, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest.

1,000 people benefited from scientific and environmental information.


Contribution to climate:

Tapirs travel between 3 km and 9 km a day, spreading ingested seeds in the forest that will be transformed into new trees and plants. Therefore, large herbivores play an essential role in slowing down the loss of forest diversity and thus contribute to climate balance. No wonder they are known as “gardeners of the forest”.

Next steps:

To develop the human toxicology front. To also analyze data collected during the “Caatinga Expedition – Searching for the Lost Tapir”.


Research performed by the Giant Armadillo Conservation Program, a partnership between IPÊ and Wild Animals Conservation Institute (ICAS), was important for the species (Priodontes maximus) to be considered a key mammal to guide the creation of protected areas and conservation corridors in Mato Grosso do Sul. The project contributed to the creation of firefighting brigades on 15 farms in the Pantanal. It also recognizes as Producer Friend of the Giant Armadillo beekeepers who adopt practices to prevent armadillo attacks on hives, avoiding conflicts between animals.

Giant Armadillo Conservation Program

Key results in 2022:

100 beekeepers recognized for protecting their hives from giant armadillo attacks, producing “giant armadillo-friendly” honey.

Expansion of research work outside Rio Doce State Park.

The second workshop on conservation of species in the Atlantic Forest was held at Rio Doce State Park, where the last population of giant armadillos in the biome is located.

10 articles published

2 scholarships for students.


Contribution to climate:

The temperature inside armadillo burrows remains constant (24°C), and these can help species that take shelter in them to survive extreme temperatures. Biodiversity conservation is related to the maintenance of habitats and ecosystems, which directly supports the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Next steps:

To focus the next Pantanal captures on adult females, to analyze reproduction. In the Cerrado, working in partnership with landowners in the search for solutions to keep native habitats viable for the giant armadillo. To increase the number of beekeepers recognized as “friends of the armadillo”, in addition to the number of factories that buy the honey produced by them.



Due to its complexity, rich biodiversity and presence of different populations in its territories, the Amazon demands integrated solutions that strengthen Protected Areas and the sustainable development of local communities. For this, social participation and support from science, public authorities and the private sector are essential.

LIRA - Integrated Legacy of the Amazon Regio

LIRA Project acts as a fund that connects a network of 125 organizations that are in the Amazon territory, promoting actions to reduce deforestation, facilitate sustainable forest management and strengthen the links in the Amazon production chains. With this, it seeks to transform protected areas into regional development poles, through natural assets and the wisdom of forest peoples, providing income for the local population and for socio-environmental conservation. LIRA is supported by the Amazon Fund, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Photo: Acervo SOS Amazônia

LIRA - Integrated Legacy of the Amazon Region

Key results in 2022:

50 projects performed by local organizations and financed sustainable community businesses (cooperatives, indigenous and extractive associations).

Implementation of infrastructure in 13 production chains , with 44 socio-productive businesses and 2,600 direct beneficiaries.

9,300 people benefited from 2,325 families, including indigenous peoples and extractive communities.

115 events and training on topics such as training young leaders to strengthen Amazonian territories; 3,245 people were trained.

Operation in 59 protected areas , (29 Indigenous Lands, 17 state Protected Areas and 13 federal Protected Areas).

1 article published.


Contribution to climate:

LIRA contributes to the CONSERVATION OF THE STANDING FOREST of a territory comprising 34% of the protected areas of the Amazon, the biome responsible for maintaining the planet's climate.

Next steps:

Conclude the 50 supported projects and build a training path for 41 organizations. Hold a seminar on Protected Areas, for discussing the strengthening of traditional peoples and forest conservation.


The Participatory Monitoring of Biodiversity project, with Conservation Units in the Amazon, was implemented in 2013 to perform monitoring of fauna and flora species defined by the community, with the participation of residents around the Protected Areas, and to strengthen the management and conservation of biodiversity in conservation units in the Amazon.

The MPB cycle ended in 2022, as expected, and there was a transition period due to the activities absorbed by ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade - Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation). The actions became a public policy in the Conservation Units participating in the MPB.

The project's results are a product of the engagement of residents around Protected Areas and the horizontal dialogue between residents and researchers, through Encontros dos Saberes (Knowledge Meetings) and the involvement of the public management of the UCs. The project disseminated seeds of this legacy. Check out the achievements in 2022 and the main highlights in these 10 years of MPB.

Participatory Monitoring of Biodiversity

Key results in 2022:

Training of 372 people on topics related to participatory monitoring of biodiversity.

Knowledge Meetings were attended by 381 people.

744 people participated in activities to engage in biodiversity conservation and management of conservation units.

Publication of 2 technical series and 5 guides on participatory monitoring of biodiversity.

2 scientific articles published.


Contribution to climate:

The project contributed to some public policies, including the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change and the National Policy for Adaptation to Climate Change. It also cooperated with the Sustainable Development Goals (in particular 13, on Climate Change, and 15, Life on Earth) and with the Convention on Biodiversity.

Next steps:

Promote fundraising to multiply MPB in state UCs.



Key Results in 2022:

88 people , residents of RDS Puranga Conquista, benefited from the Project.

Development of
action plan for socio-environmental projects in the Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve, in Manaus (AM).

Seed investment for selected entrepreneurs to structure their businesses.

Training and mentoring for entrepreneurs in the basics of business management and marketing.

400 tree seedlings planted , in honor of the victims of Covid-19 in the Bela Vista do Jaraqui and Pagodão communities, located in the Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR).


Contribution to climate:

Encouraging the development of sustainable businesses by traditional communities, based on the conservation of forest and rivers, ensures that our biome continues to offer ecosystem services, such as water, climate regulation and carbon absorption.

Next steps:

Second cycle of training and improvement of entrepreneurs supported in the first phase, focusing on financial management and business formalization. Fundraising phase to support more sustainable economic initiatives by Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR)



Through ESCAS - School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, we train leaders in sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The school, which started as a Brazilian Center for Conservation Biology, currently has a postgraduate center offering a professional master's degree and a postgraduate degree in Social and Environmental Business Management. It also promotes short courses, partnerships with international universities and specific courses for companies. More than 7,000 people have attended ESCAS in 25 years, with Master's, postgraduate, short courses, international and in-company classes.

ESCAS - School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Key results in 2022:

Launch of ESCAS Conservation and Sustainability Circuit, with 7 major axes.

Launch of the “Sustainability in Brazil” , course for graduate students, in partnership with the University of Colorado Bolder, State University of Santa Cruz and University of the State of Amazonas.

400 people benefited, including 70 rural producers settled in Espírito Santo state and Pontal do Paranapanema that participated in the exchange of knowledge.

Creation of 4 community nurseries-schools to serve as model units for the Education, Landscape and Community project, in Espírito Santo state.

Launch of courses on the carbon market in forestry projects and on ESG - the latter, in partnership with IPÊ's Sustainable Business Unit and the Briyah Institute.

55 scholarships 32 of which were for Master's degree in Nazaré Paulista/SP and 14 for Master’s degree in Bahia; 2 for postgraduate degree in Sustainable Business Management, and 7 for short courses.

37 articles published.


Contribution to climate:

ESCAS performance brings indirect benefits for the climate, by training people, rural producers, students and professionals, and directly, supporting the formation of forest nurseries and encouraging the change from conventional agriculture to agroforestry systems on rural properties.

Next steps:

To work on developing a professional doctorate and new international educational products that include not only other universities, but also students and professionals from different countries, not necessarily linked to one of them. We will increase asynchronous online products, which are those that have recorded classes.


We call our initiatives that encompass more comprehensive and cross-cutting action fronts thematic projects, all of which are strategic for IPÊ's goals for biodiversity conservation.


The development of a volunteer project is an essential strategy that brings society – people, companies and organizations – closer to Protected Areas, nature conservation and climate action. Volunteering is often the gateway for those who seek to contribute to these challenges in a practical way. Through our Sustainable Business Unit, we promote corporate volunteering. Together with environmental agencies, such as ICMBio, we support volunteer programs with Conservation Units and research centers and, recently, we started a volunteer project in the Integrated Fire Management.

Photo: Arquivo Brigada 1

Volunteering for Biodiversity Conservation

Key results in 2022:

Implementation of the Volunteer Program for Conservation and Climate Action, with partner companies, in Conservation Units and establishment of a partnership with the Brazilian Center for Corporate Volunteering (CBVE).

Start of the Volunteering in Integrated Fire Management Project, to support the structuring of a federal strategy on the subject.

Training and Exchange Project for the Creation and Structuring of State Volunteer Programs in Conservation Units, with the support of GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), with the participation of 72 professionals from 5 states in training course and workshop.

130 corporate volunteers performed a symbolic planting of native tree seedlings from the Atlantic Forest in the Cantareira System region.

112 corporate volunteers took part on actions at Conservation Units.


Contribution to climate:

Involving volunteers expands the commitment to natural areas and, with greater participation by society in preventing and combating forest fires and other conservation actions, it is possible to reduce carbon emissions from prevented or controlled fires.

Next steps:

To increase the participation and engagement of corporate volunteers in conservation projects being developed by IPÊ and in Protected Areas. As for the Volunteering in Integrated Fire Management project, to create a federal strategy and a draft regulation of volunteer work and to hold events with the theme of integrated fire management.


Climate Schools, a project started in 2021 by Sowing Water Project, have been providing conditions for public school students to be protagonists of climate mitigation and adaptation actions. They organize themselves into “socio-environmental collectives”, sharing ideas and making democratic decisions. The environmental education teams from the schools involved go through an activity called “Climate Wall” and guarantee technical and financial support to implement the actions, in addition to sharing their experiences through video testimonials. The project is supported by the Alair Martins Institute (IAMAR), Petrobras Socioambiental and AWS Amazon.

Photo: Jean Marcel Camargo

Climate Schools

Key results in 2022:

Nine schools participate, in the project: 5 Climatic Schools in the region of the Cantareira System; 2 in Paulínia; 1 in Osasco; 1 in Santana de Parnaíba, all in the state of São Paulo.

3 schools with composting system and 2 schools with agroforestry systems.

3 schools with agroecological gardens.

2 volunteer actions involving the Adélia Borgato Climatic School, in Paulínia: sowing of green manure involving volunteers from the Refinaria Paulínia (Replan) and a joint effort with 9th grade students to plant trees.

Implementation of selective collection in 4 schools.

1,443 people benefited, including 501 educators and 942 students.


Contribution to climate:

Public school communities in general are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It is necessary to prepare youth so they can deal with the uncertainties of climate reality.

Next steps:

To expand the project to other school communities and involving companies in volunteer actions at Climate Schools. To strengthen socio-environmental collectives, so that actions in schools are not interrupted after the end of the project.


The “Flora - Acelerando a Adoção de uma Pecuária Sustentável com Treinamento Especializado no Brasil (Accelerating the Adoption of Sustainable Livestock with Specialized Training in Brazil)” project concluded the transformation of a farm in Guaranésia (MG) into a demonstrative unit (model property) of sustainable solutions for dairy farmers, especially through the silvopastoral system. This system promotes animal welfare, protection of springs, carbon sequestration and soil recovery, among other benefits. The farm received technical assistance to make the changes in their production system.

Sustainable Livestock: Flora Project

Key results in 2022:

Mortality assessment of tree species and which species had better recovered after extreme weather events in the region.

Identification of 5 promising species for replanting in the silvopastoral system based on the analysis: inga tree, yellow poinciana, bay cedar, white angico and angico-da-mata.

Completion of picket fencing with mobile electric fence; cows were entered into the system.

1 benefited family.


Contribution to Climate:

In this silvopastoral system, cattle share space with trees, shrubs and grasses, which favors animal welfare and promotes the efficient use of water and the sequestration of atmospheric carbon. By planting fruitful species for fauna, the property expands its biodiversity, which increases nature's services, such as seed dispersal. These measures, in line with animal management, protect springs and watercourses and contribute to fighting off the effects of climate change.

Next Steps:

After implementation and completion of the pilot project by IPÊ, we want to maintain the legacy of the project as a demonstration unit with a school farm and being reference for local milk producers.


In the southern Bahia, our action takes place with ecological restoration and agroecology along with small rural properties in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, to promote the connection between forest fragments. We provide technical guidance to extensionists and producers, with courses developed in conjunction with teaching and research institutions, including ESCAS/IPÊ, the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) and the Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI), from the Yale University.

Networking: agroecology in southern Bahia

Key results in 2022:

Conclusion of the assessment of 19 areas including private properties and collective areas of rural settlements and Indigenous Lands, which can become 28 demonstrative units of the project.

3 Leadership Program scholarships for project development.

Conducting the course on Environmental and Productive Adaptation of Rural Properties, with rural extension workers from partner institutions.

20 course students and 75 webinar participants benefited.

Technical and/or financial support to 4 former students of the Leadership Training Initiative (ELTI/Yale University) in the development of projects in Southern Bahia.


Contribution to climate:

With forest restoration, the project will protect at least 10 springs and important areas for water recharge. Agroecological production systems attract birds, which are seed dispersers. These measures are strategic for the connectivity and genetic flow of plants and animals, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity and to the climate.

Next steps:

To turn the areas where we operate into reference in developing sustainable businesses. To expand the offer of courses on agroforestry systems and the carbon market. Allied to this, publishing booklets, manuals and articles produced by the supported environmental leaders, to disseminate knowledge on our work.


In partnership with CTG Brasil, we used the Research & Development - R&D project ANEEL (The Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency) to assess the impact of forest restoration in Pontal do Paranapanema (SP). Research has resulted in data on the valuation, monetary or otherwise, of related ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and soil and water quality.

Research & Development in Pontal do Paranapanema (SP)

Key results in 2022:

Ongoing analyzes of ecosystem services’ monetary valuation in 62 forest fragments.

In 3 years, images of 27 wild and 2 exotic species were captured , using trap cameras, in remaining and restored areas, which demonstrates the benefits of forest restoration.

70% of the species were recorded in small, medium and large fragments, which shows that the smaller remnants play an important role in maintaining the local fauna and the integrity of the environments.

Acoustic monitoring of avifauna in the area, to better understand the size and quality of forest fragments and other biodiversity parameters in the region.

Non-monetary valuation of nature's contributions to people , in partnership with FGVces, from the perspective of communities surrounding four Environmental Conservation Areas.


Contribution to climate:

This research makes it possible to understand what benefits come from the restored areas and the remaining fragments, such as climate regulation and air and water quality.

Next steps:

To expand the study area and obtain more accurate results of ecosystem services that generate more value on a regional scale, in addition to inserting studies on the dimension of climate risk in the medium and long term. To improve and intensify the collection of biophysical and biodiversity data related to species, water and soil, to complement analyzes carried out in phase II.


In 2022, we strengthened our long-standing partnerships and started new ones, built by our Sustainable Business Unit, especially with companies. This demonstrates the security and trust that the private sector has in our work and the potential of the socio-environmental cause to reach positive numbers through actions for the conservation of biodiversity and the well-being of people.


IPÊ is a non-profit organization and our resources come from funding, partnerships, notices and national and international donations.



IPÊ's initiatives in different territories and with different groups of people connect with global debates, such as climate change and ESG - environmental, social and governance - agendas for the private sector.

Transformations in practice

The preparation of an annual activities report is the right moment to reflect on what IPÊ has done recently and on the directions to follow. Contributing for the necessary transformations to really occur, becoming a reality, is part of the Institute's day-to-day activities. Check out how the year went with the testimony of Eduardo Ditt, executive secretary of IPÊ.


Our projects, developed with an integrated approach involving scientific research, education, community involvement, sustainable production, forest restoration for the mitigation of global warming and water conservation, and income generation through nature, contribute to the following SDGs:

Editing Bem Comunicar Design: Ed Santana Illustrations: Shirley Felts Development: Olivas Digital
Texts: Cibele Quirino Coordination: Paula Piccin Translation: Clarice Yamasaki